Filter Types
When you start your discus aquarium, you can consider several different types of filters. You may even choose to use more than one at the same time to maximize water...
When you start your discus aquarium, you can consider several different types of filters. You may even choose to use more than one at the same time to maximize water...
As the discus fry start free-swimming, they become more of a challenge for their parents. The parents will spend a lot of time trying to catch the babies that swim...
After about 60 hours (dependent on water temperature), the eggs hatch. The young will be placed, by the parents, on a different place of the breeding medium, until they can...
You will want to provide your breeding pair with a suitable spawning medium. This can be in your community tank, but you will most likely have more luck with a...
Gender identification of a Discus Fish is nothing short of challenging. Even seasoned keepers can sometimes have difficulty determining which fish are male and female. While there are various methods...
Discus fish have a reputation of possessing a peaceful and docile temperament. However, hobbyist should be aware that there is a certain level of aggression that can exist among these...
Hobbyists who collect Discus Fish quickly become entranced by the beauty and docile nature of this regal creature. Discus rapidly become beloved pets of their keepers and are essentially cared...
With their natural beauty and calm demeanor, Discus are among the most sought after contenders for competitions. As hobbyists are well aware, it takes time and effort to ready the...
Discus Sizes The size of Discus fish can range, but are classified as a medium fish and are expected to be 6-10”. Because of their shape, they are as wide as...
Probably anyone that has ever seen a magnificent display of discus either in a public aquarium or private collection has aspired to ownership. It is difficult not to be impressed...