Hole in the Head Disease: Head & Lateral Line Erosion in Discus
Hole in the head disease or HITH in discus fish also known as head and lateral line erosion, or HLLE is a very common aquarium and tropical fish disease that can...
Hole in the head disease or HITH in discus fish also known as head and lateral line erosion, or HLLE is a very common aquarium and tropical fish disease that can...
Leaning to one side or another in discus fish, also known as tilting sideways and laying flat is a common and very general symptom in a sick or stressed discus fish. This...
Discus Plague The main cause of death in most imported discus fish from east Asian countries like Thailand and also in aquarium stores is a fatal viral disease with Folk name of Discus...
White feces in fish, also called white stringy poop, is a fairly common symptom in both freshwater and marine aquarium fish which not always accompanies a certain disease. However, most of the time,...
Knowing more about Discus Keeping will help you keep your discus healthy and happy. Success in maintaining the health of your Discus Fish will provide for greater enjoyment. Below are some simple...
The first and most important part of Discus Keeping is to choose and select a good and high quality Discus Fish before buying it. If you go the wrong way...
Any time a new fish is brought home, it should be kept in a quarantine tank and closely monitored. The quarantine period will last six weeks. It should be done in...
Introduction Discus fish are very interesting fish to keep for aquarium keepers and they have gained popularity over time because of their unique beauty as they are very colorful. Despite their...
Discus fish can be a challenge to keep. Keeping them in favorable conditions will make them achieve their desired maturity size depending on the type of discus fish. These favorable...
This article is all about caring for discus fish while on vacation. Many customers ask me what they should do with their discus when they are going away on vacation. Being the...