Types of Plant Propagation

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Types of Plant Propagation

Plants have several means of reproducing. While some species reproduce quickly and can overrun a tank in a short amount of time, other plants seem like they never propagate. In this article, we will describe some of the different ways that plants reproduce.


One of the easiest ways to propagate plants is to use cuttings. All you need to do is cut a long section (about 6 – 8 inches) from the stalk of the plant and put it in the gravel with at least one inch of the stem under the substrate. Make sure you remove any leaves that would be put under the substrate. Tubers and bulbs should be planted in the substrate at a 45-degree angle with the growing tip pointing out of the gravel. The cutting and the original plant will continue to grow. This method can be used to propagate most bunch plants.


Many plants produce growths called runners. Plants that you place in the foreground and Sword plants often reproduce this way. The runners form on the stem of the plants and grow on top of, or in the substrate. Plants that use runners to reproduce are very prolific.

Amazon Sword Plant


Rhizomes are side-shoots that are produced by the roots of some plants. Plants like this can be propagated by cutting these side-shoots into pieces and then replanting them into the surface of the substrate. When you are making their pieces, you want to include some leaves and some roots with the rhizome.


In adventitious plants, the mother plant produces several “plantlets” that will separate from the mother plant and then root on their own. While the plantlets can detach and plant themselves, you can also cut them when they reach a suitable size and plant them yourself.


Flowering plants will produce seeds, but only after pollination. For land plants, this is done by insects, but in a tank setting you will need to do this yourself. You can use a fine brush to transfer the pollen.

Densely Planted Discus Aquarium


  • What are ways that aquatic plants reproduce?
  • How can you propagate your plants?
  • What purposes do plants serve in your discus aquarium?

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