Discus Tank Lighting

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Discus Tank Lighting


In the Amazon, overhanging tree branches growing lush amounts of leaves provide shade over discus’ dark, murky water. Discus water often contains tannins, which block out the sunlight. For these reasons, your discus will not need much lighting. In fact, if you have a discus aquarium with plants, one full spectrum light bulb will be sufficient. 


Fluorescent, compact, and metal halide lighting are excellent for discus aquariums. 

Fluorescent lighting

Fluorescent lighting is popular for freshwater aquariums. It costs less and uses less power than other types of lighting. It puts off very little heat. Often, fluorescent lighting is used as twin-bulb lighting on the aquarium hood.

Compact florescent lighting

Compact fluorescent lighting is smaller than regular fluorescent lighting, but puts off more power. It is great for small aquariums. You can also use it in larger tanks if you want to have a little light without a large increase in power costs. The only disadvantage of compact fluorescent lights is that they cost more than regular fluorescent lights.

Metal Halide lighting

Metal Halide Lighting

Metal Halide lighting is best for very large or deep tanks. These lights produce the most light. However, they are more costly to purchase, and they accrue high energy costs. Since they have a high heat output, use them only in open-top aquariums.


  • What is the lighting like in the discus’ Amazon habitat?
  • What lighting options do you have for your discus aquarium?
  • What lighting option(s) will reduce power output?

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