Discus are some of the most beautiful and reactive tropical fishes you can find. They are often referred to as the “kings of the aquarium” because of their stately movements and regal beauty.
Discus are also intelligent and interactive. They will remember you, greet you when you come into the room, and even react to things they see on TV!
In the wild, discus are found swimming through South America, around the Amazon basin, and in Southeast Asia. While it did take a while to adapt wild discus to a life of captivity, they are now a very popular fish to be kept in aquariums.
Schmidt-Focke Striated Turquoise Discus
When keeping discus, remember that their environment is critical to their success. Monitor their water temperature, pH, light, and food regularly. You can keep a discus-only tank or a community tank with other fish.
Yellow Diamond Discus
This Learning Center will give you all the details you need to start keeping discus. You will learn about their history, the different sub-species and varieties that exist, how to set up your tank, how to monitor the discus’ environment, how to recognize and treat diseases, and even how to breed discus. So, let’s get started on your journey into the wonderful world of the discus fish.
Checkerboard Striated Red Discus
What do you think is interesting about discus?
Do you enjoy that discus are interactive?
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Welcome your new discus home! You'll want to carefully acclimate them to their new aquarium.
Snowflake Discus with Other Discus Varieties
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