Check the quality of your aquarium water. Don’t use tap water without checking its chemistry first. You need to remove the chlorine and other chemicals. Be sure to use soft water to maintain the pH level of the water. In studying how to care for discus fish, you should remember that the required pH level is between 6 and 7 (which is balanced, neither acidic nor basic).
Use warm water and never cold water to maintain the needed water temperature for discus fish. The ideal temperature for discus is 30 degrees Celsius.
It would be best to start with caring for an older discus fish because they tend to be stable. Choose a fish the size of 12cm or over.
Never buy only one discus fish. Discus are social pets. Each discus should be able to interact with 5 or more discus.
Make sure that the water is clean and changed frequently. Experts on discus care agree that it’s best to not have gravel in the tank. A tank that lacks gravel is much easier to clean.
Keep your tank’s design minimal. You can include some plants and a few stones and wood, but less is better (and easier for cleaning) when it comes to maintaining a tank.
You can use grolux tubes to provide ample lighting for your discus. Too much light is bad for them. A grolux light tube provides just the right amount of light to give them warmth.
In Australia especially, rainbowfish and discus are commonly kept in the same aquariums. Since they have similar conditions in their... read more
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