What are the most popular ornamental fish in the world?

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What are the most popular ornamental fish in the world?

There are many different species of ornamental fish that are popular around the world, but some of the most commonly kept species include:

  1. Guppies: Guppies are small, colorful freshwater fish that are popular because of their vibrant colors and ease of care.

  2. Goldfish: Goldfish are a type of carp that come in a variety of colors and patterns. They are often kept in aquariums and outdoor ponds.

  3. Betta Fish: Also known as Siamese fighting fish, bettas are popular because of their bright colors and elaborate fins. They are often kept in small, individual tanks.

  4. Neon Tetras: Neon tetras are small, brightly colored freshwater fish that are often used to add color to community aquariums.

  5. Angelfish: Angelfish are a popular freshwater species known for their unique shape and elegant appearance.

  6. Discus Fish: Discus fish are prized for their vibrant colors and distinctive shape. They require a bit more care than some other species but can be a stunning addition to a well-maintained aquarium.

  7. Koi: Koi are large, colorful carp that are often kept in outdoor ponds. They are prized for their beauty and longevity.

These are just a few examples of the many different ornamental fish species that are popular around the world.

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