Albino Rafflesia Discus
$86.00 – $170.00
Running the Hartford Half Marathon was one of the proudest days of my life. I was one of the top female runners, shaved 2 minutes off of my best time, and ran a sub 7 minute-per-mile pace. But when I think back to that day, I think of the spectators and all of the racers blurring together as we fought forward in packs.
Gazing at the Albino Rafflesia Discus now, my mind wanders away from the hustle and bustle of race day, and I look down at my feet, to my orange racing shoes. This fish has the same vibrant orange coloring as the shoes that propelled me forward to a PR (Personal Record). While running, the orange of my shoes blends with the shoe’s design: the bold neon-orange mixed with hues of red, yellow, and an iridescent white, just like the beautiful body of the Albino Rafflesia Discus.
I can picture and feel myself running, my small feet quickly navigating around all those ahead of me, usually men with much larger strides and builds. But I evade them, we evade them, I dart, the discus darts, we plunge forward until we’ve crossed the finish line.
I wish I had one of my own so I can relive the exhilaration and pride I felt that day, any time I want.
- Reviews (13)
All 11 discus we have an awesome, except number 12, the ocean green. He had a white spot on his bottom fin , like he had been flick...More
Hi Michael, thanks for your email inquiry! I'm still loving my discus (all from you) and they are loving me back. However I'd like to mention my concern that the 3 Albino Red Golden Melon discus have grown and thrived but remain a very pale, non-descript pink. Is it possible they aren't the correct fish? They are all fed everyday with either a high quality color enhancing pellet, color enhancing flakes, and live blackworms for treats.
From Michael: You need carophyll pink in order to bring out their full color. Also, live blackworms have parasites, so I never recommend them. I'll call you.They are doing great and are still really beautiful!! Jadyn From Michael: Jadyn, you're a collector of discerning taste in discus. I'll be eagerly watching your progress. Congrats on building a tier-1 collection in such a short period of time.
Hi Michael, the original 5 discus have welcomed in the 5 new arrivals... The 2 new albino raflessia's have some tail damage. One appears as a single split, which I figure will heal normally. Will the tails repair themselves? From Michael: Everything will heal up within a week with some Paraguard. Those are very superficial wounds from transit-related wear and tear.
Hi Michael, They arrived about an hour ago. They’re in their new home but I have to turn the light off fast because they look too stressed. It’s low light for the first couple pictures for this email. I’m going to send you better photos later when they are ready for light. You can also see them on my live stream soon! For now it’s just them in a 75g alone so I can fatten them up faster before putting them with the other discus you sent. After they’ve gotten bigger, I’ll return for larger sizes more confidently to restock the 75g. Thanks BTW you never send me any bonus gifts. From Michael: The breeding cones are handmade and shipped separately. They can take up to a few weeks to arrive to your residence. You need to raise your water temperature to 88-89F as per my acclimation instructions, as these are tropical fish.
It’s def a mixed bag of community fish, but so far love the way it’s come together. The discus are absolutely amazing! Next couple discus will need to have a real pop of blue!
These are the best I could get, hope they work out, thanks. I had some manzanita that was amazing but was hard to do maintenance around so I removed it, thanks for the tips.
I had texted you about the fish. I did get them at 11 am on Friday. To answer some of your questions they are doing good. The fish you picked out are beautiful. The albino rafflesia is getting picked on. I am hoping once they all settle in it will get better. I am scattering their food so hopefully he will get some. The german red turquoise is still lagging a bit but I think he is better today. I will attach a pick of the dead cardinal tetras and a pic from yesterday. I turned the light on for a minute to get a pic. I will send another one after lights are on tomorrow night. All the fish were for my new aquarium. I have spent weeks cycling. They are the only ones in the tank. After all is settled I will order another fish or fishes. Lol, I am hooked.
They all arrived OK at 11:30 in the morning my time they acclimated really good they look really good and healthy. Thank you so much Michael. I'm very happy with these guys let's see how it goes. This was the best shipment ever as far as acclimating and no stress on the fish.
Yes all discus are fine now. All them are so nice. I have waited too long to receive them, but thank you. From Michael: I apologize for the delay in shipping your order, but I wanted to ensure all of your fish were correctly matched and medicated before I shipped them to you. Enjoy in good health.
These Albino Rafflesia are a beautiful peachy color, and are a perfect specimen of what Discus are supposed to look like!