Classic Red Leopard Discus

Classic Red Leopard Discus


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Do you know the song “Eye of the Tiger?” I’m sure you do– we all do. The Classic Red Leopard Discus will send chills down your spine due to its unique yet almost intimidating spotted pattern just like the song does with its beat. Feel the roar of the Leopard Discus as it swims in the water showing its mainly red face, making everyone know who’s the boss around town.

This fish truly has an elegant yet wild aura that makes people shiver and go in awe as it passes by. “Hanging tough… with the skill to survive” the Leopard Discus surely lives up to its name and the song’s.

SKU: classic-red-leopard-discus Categories: ,

4 reviews for Classic Red Leopard Discus

    Classic Red Leopard Discus photo review
    Darrius M., Las Vegas, NV (Verified Customer) January 15, 2025
    February 16, 2025
    Ok all of my precious little children are here. I see you had two double bagged. I'm waiting for them to finish acclimating first.
    Classic Red Leopard Discus photo review
    Classic Red Leopard Discus photo review
    Classic Red Leopard Discus photo review
    Classic Red Leopard Discus photo review
    Classic Red Leopard Discus photo review
    Lauren W., Owenton, KY (Verified Customer) May 15, 2023
    May 25, 2023
    Among my favorite
    These are among my favorite discus looks. Just love the deep red on the adults of these and patterns. I am looking forward to it's changes as it grows...More
    These are among my favorite discus looks. Just love the deep red on the adults of these and patterns. I am looking forward to it's changes as it grows. It is just over 2 inches in the pictures. Wonderful discus and service on this site.
    Classic Red Leopard Discus photo review
    Michael G., Chalfont, PA (Verified Customer) August 21, 2021
    September 21, 2021
    They all seem to be doing well. Guessing the one just has two dots on his tail. Fish are absolutely gorgeous and so much savings compared to my local ...More

    They all seem to be doing well. Guessing the one just has two dots on his tail. Fish are absolutely gorgeous and so much savings compared to my local fish store.

    Classic Red Leopard Discus photo review
    Neil W., East Meadow, NY (Verified Customer) January 23, 2021
    March 1, 2021

    Hi Michael, a few pics to show your beautiful fish after receiving them about a month ago. They are doing great!!

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