Penang Eruption Discus, Proven Breeding Pair

Penang Eruption Discus, Proven Breeding Pair


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It’s a hot, humid day in mid-June and the sun hangs high above. I’m at the summer carnival that’s held each year in the center of my small hometown in Pennsylvania. At eight years old, I only anticipate Christmas morning more than this carnival. My parents give me money for games, rides, and treats. I’ve ridden the merry-go-round twice, and had a corndog before running over to the ice cream stand for an orange creamsicle. These aren’t confections from a box. They’re made fresh with milk from the dairy just a few miles away. My eyes widen as the man behind the cart dips the long, smooth vanilla cylinder into the orange glaze. He pulls it out and lets it set. Then, he hands me the towering orange treat. It’s flawless.

This creamsicle is the exact color of the spots on this penang eruption discus. As I lick my treat I savor the flavor of the tangy orange meeting the cool creamy center. Now, the vanilla ice cream starts to peek through the orange. It’s at this point the patterns and colors most strong resemble that of the penang eruption disc. Gazing into my tank at these gorgeous specimens brings me back to the carefree days of my youth, the excitement, of the carnival, and the perfect treat that I waited all year to enjoy.

SKU: penang-eruption-discus-proven-breeding-pair Categories: , , ,

4 reviews for Penang Eruption Discus, Proven Breeding Pair

    Penang Eruption Discus, Proven Breeding Pair photo review
    William B., Los Angeles, CA (Verified Customer) August 10, 2022
    September 4, 2022

    Looks great!

    Penang Eruption Discus, Proven Breeding Pair photo review
    Penang Eruption Discus, Proven Breeding Pair photo review
    Penang Eruption Discus, Proven Breeding Pair photo review
    Noe P., Milpitas, CA (Verified Customer) May 24, 2022
    May 29, 2022
    Hi there, I'm NOE Perez from Milpitas CA. Today got the breeding y from your store, thank you so much for the quick service. Here are some pictures of...More

    Hi there, I'm NOE Perez from Milpitas CA. Today got the breeding y from your store, thank you so much for the quick service. Here are some pictures of the conditions of the male, right side of the body seems to have scratches or something else, hopefully they can recover in the next hours.

    The female is going good so far. Once again, thank you so much. For sure I will place several more orders in a very near future. I just hope this one gets better. Have a great evening.
    Penang Eruption Discus, Proven Breeding Pair photo review
    Aaron W., Breckenridge, MI., (Verified Customer) January 6, 2021
    January 10, 2021
    These are the pairs that I have gotten. But I can't call them pairs yet, not until I see wigglers. Thanks Michael, I'll be in touch when any of them a...More

    These are the pairs that I have gotten. But I can't call them pairs yet, not until I see wigglers. Thanks Michael, I'll be in touch when any of them are successful.

    Penang Eruption Discus, Proven Breeding Pair photo review
    Penang Eruption Discus, Proven Breeding Pair photo review
    Penang Eruption Discus, Proven Breeding Pair photo review
    Frank M., Mars, PA (Verified Customer) January 2, 2020
    November 23, 2020
    Michael first two are from this week's order last 3 are from my first order in January. All are doing well

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