Red Diamond Discus, Proven Breeding Pair

Red Diamond Discus, Proven Breeding Pair


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I was born and raised in sunny California, spoiled daily with the warmth of perfectly alluring sunsets. When I see the Red Diamond Discus I’m immediately reminded of the vibrancy of those California sunsets, as their authentic markings bear that same warmth in the most magnetic way. I am reminiscent of the many times I would stand on Sunset Cliffs, taking in the radiance of the glorious shades of bold red and orange hues that would encapsulate every divine sunset. As I admire the Red Diamond Discus I see that same glorious display in a whole new way. One which gives me the ability to literally brighten up any room, bringing that California sunset right back to me in whatever space I want. This one’s a keeper and definitely needs to be an addition to my tank at home.

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