Striated Red Flora Cross Discus

Striated Red Flora Cross Discus


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Is it a ridiculous idea to purchase a living labyrinth maze? A maze challenges the owner to find the means of passing through and escaping. As you scan the living pattern of your Striated Red Flora Cross Discus, you will be challenged to pass through the maze on its skin and to escape into your thoughts. The hodgepodge of meandering lines, which is found on this round, flat, disk-shaped freshwater aquarium Discus, will enhance your strategic decision-making skills.

This “King of the Freshwater Aquarium” has intense bright regal colors and majestic beauty. The clean, bright eyes of the Discus fish, which are proportionate to its body size, come in a variety of colors with red being highly valued.

Since the size of the Discus is larger than most tropical fish, you will be able to lose yourself in its countless intricate solution paths. Available sizes range from four inches, which is the width of a business envelope, to seven inches, the width of two business cards placed side-by-side. The mouth shape of the Discus fish does not open that wide, allowing small bloodworms, black worms, and white worms to be easily consumed by this living tangle of intricate mesh-like

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