Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus

Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus


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Sure, I’ve got a wild Brazilian outing in my dreams and on my bucket list. Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro, the world’s biggest carnival/festival, with two million people per day on Rio’s streets… that’s the one I dream about attending. What happens in Rio stays in Rio? Nope, that’s Vegas… but it may apply to those adventurers willing to take the plane to the train and get to Brazil.

Brazil’s Wild Brazilian Yellow Heckel Discus tells me this: Enjoy Your Festivals! Honor Your traditions! Here in northeastern Pennsylvania, my mom’s side of the family–Lithuanians from the old country–had their traditions. Ever since I was a small boy, my parents took me to the festivals here in Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains, anthracite coal country where many European immigrants came to work in the mines. They had it rough, the immigrant miners, owing their souls to the company store. But… they enjoyed a festival now and again. Today their ancestors still hold those ethnic festivals and I bring my children for pierogies, halupki and the culinary artistry of the Pennsylvania Dutch. Shoo fly pie got its name because the Dutch (really Germans) put the pies on the open window sills and had to “shoo” the flies away from the sweet smells emanating into the cool mountain air.

When I was a boy in the PA mountains I stumbled upon my uncle Bill’s book about the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. We talked about going there and from those moments going forward I always dreamt of going to see the most concentrated amount of plants and animals in any one spot on God’s good green earth.

This fish’s yellows and browns scream the word WILD BRAZIL!

“Honey… call our travel agent…”

“But we don’t have a travel agent dear…””

“No worries… we’ll book a flight for Carnival which is held every year before Lent. And then we’ll take a boat up the Amazon and check out the world’s most fantastic rainforest.”

“Will Sting be there dear?”

“No but we will.”

By Robert Gluck

SKU: wild-brazilian-heckel Categories: , ,

9 reviews for Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus

    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Michael I., Indianapolis, IN (Verified Customer) March 9, 2023
    November 12, 2023

    This one is a wild one, correct? From Michael: Yes indeed, this is your Brazilian Heckel Discus.

    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Chris L., Loveland, CO (Verified Customer) May 13, 2023
    November 12, 2023
    It's going great, the discus are happy and getting bigger. I attached a photo of the tank. It's hard to catch them all at once but you get the idea :)...More
    It's going great, the discus are happy and getting bigger. I attached a photo of the tank. It's hard to catch them all at once but you get the idea :)



    Chris L.
    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Chris L., Loveland, CO (Verified Customer) May 13, 2023
    May 21, 2023
    Fish look great so far we have 3 other discus and everyone is getting along so far. I appreciate the excellent quality discus. They’re beautiful and j...More

    Fish look great so far we have 3 other discus and everyone is getting along so far. I appreciate the excellent quality discus. They’re beautiful and just what we were hoping they would be.

    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Steve Y., Glendale, AZ (Verified Customer) May 24, 2022
    May 29, 2022
    Hi Michael. Discus delivered. Happy with them but right now they are really stressed from shipping. The shipping box bottom was very wet and quite a b...More

    Hi Michael. Discus delivered. Happy with them but right now they are really stressed from shipping. The shipping box bottom was very wet and quite a bit of leaked water from all 3 bags into the styrofoam box. Acclimating discus now. My tank water is pH 6.8 and temp 91F. Should i adjust to match yours exactly? From Michael: 91 is too high. You'll kill them. Lower it to 89F max.

    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Leah H., Lander, WY (Verified Customer) February 27, 2022
    May 15, 2022
    I left a review with all these discus. I couldn't be happier with these beautiful discus. These are beautiful too all of them are!!! You do a phenomen...More

    I left a review with all these discus. I couldn't be happier with these beautiful discus. These are beautiful too all of them are!!! You do a phenomenal job with your discus! I want to thank you for picking out truly magnificent discus for me!! So glad I took the chance on buying discus!! Had been told they're impossible to keep healthy. Your discus are not only beautiful but also healthy and resilient!! Grateful I found you!!

    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Anh C., Grand Junction, CO (Verified Customer) January 19, 2022
    March 6, 2022

    So beautiful!!

    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    John T., Spokane, WA (Verified Customer) October 23, 2021
    October 31, 2021
    Here are pics. I am concerned that the first couple of pics there is a scar/hole in the head. I will wait to see. What I did not see is the yellow wil...More

    Here are pics. I am concerned that the first couple of pics there is a scar/hole in the head. I will wait to see. What I did not see is the yellow wild caught Ica. None of the fish resemble the Ica. From Michael: None of the fish have hole in the head. Based on your photos, I see the yellow Ica, do you?

    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Ralph E., Dewitt, MI (Verified Customer) June 13, 2021
    July 4, 2021
    Hi, the fish arrived in fairly good condition. The water in the yellow discus bag had leaked out. The fish was barely coved with water. The fish was i...More
    Hi, the fish arrived in fairly good condition. The water in the yellow discus bag had leaked out. The fish was barely coved with water. The fish was in distress. I put it in the tank immediately.  It floated around upside-down for a long time. It finally righted itself and appears to be doing well now. The red panda looks nothing like the pictures.  See the picture of the one I received and a picture from your website.  It is a striking fish but not what I expected. The heckle is a beautiful fish and a lot bigger then I expected. Thank you
    Wild Classic Brazilian Heckel Discus photo review
    Lee Joseph, Pot Jefferson Station, NY (Verified Customer) Purchase Date: March 5, 2019
    March 7, 2019
    This discus is light mellow blue in body color with a bold dark heckle stripe down the middle with light bars blending in from nose to tail -their is...More
    This discus is light mellow blue in body color with a bold dark heckle stripe down the middle with light bars blending in from nose to tail -their is a trace of red also in body color. The fins are black blue and tipped in red. They are a very docile fish, only wild by nature. They are a close match to the Wild Brazilian yellow face Discus. Fantastic tank mates and will stand out from all strains of discus for their unique character. Keep you water at 88- 89 degrees keep water clean with frequent changes - they eat frozen blood worms and discus pellets.

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Collectors yearning for the iconic look that can only be obtained with a heckel would be hard-pressed to find a fish that exceeds our classic Brazilian heckels. Each fish has the signature jagged “lightning bolt” that runs vertically through the fish sides, almost creating an “Eye of Sauron” Lord of the Rings look.