Red Eagle Discus, Wide Pattern, Proven Breeding Pair

Red Eagle Discus, Wide Pattern, Proven Breeding Pair


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When I was a kid, well before the Internet, I loved doing maze games. I’d sit with books filled with them, using my pencil to weave through the lines, pretending I was an adventurer searching for unimaginable riches at the very end. I felt a stirring of those memories looking at the Red Eagle Discus Breeding Pair, with their intricate patterns.

Thinking about that shifted my memories onto a similar track a little later on when I developed a love for computer games. This was during a time when Apple was dominating the market with Apple IIc and IIe computers and Bill Gates was nearly a decade away from taking over the world with Windows95. I played dungeon crawlers where I’d have to draw maps of both interior dungeons and outside landscapes that included mountains. The patterns on the Red Eagles are similar to the scrawlings that I’d have on paper as I navigated these complex worlds.

These fish are so beautiful and I’d love to have a tank of them swimming around, with their patterns both mesmerizing me and taking me back to my youth.

SKU: red-eagle-discus-wide-pattern-proven-breeding-pair Categories: , , , ,

3 reviews for Red Eagle Discus, Wide Pattern, Proven Breeding Pair

    Red Eagle Discus, Wide Pattern, Proven Breeding Pair photo review
    Eric C., Hayden, ID (Verified Customer) August 4, 2022
    August 20, 2022

    All are good except the pair in the third picture. They came in really rough shape.

    Red Eagle Discus, Wide Pattern, Proven Breeding Pair photo review
    Jack W., (Verified Customer)
    March 6, 2022

    Hi Michael- fish arrived in very good condition and are very comfortable in their new tank.

    Red Eagle Discus, Wide Pattern, Proven Breeding Pair photo review
    Aaron W., Breckenridge, MI., (Verified Customer) January 6, 2021
    January 10, 2021
    These are the pairs that I have gotten. But I can't call them pairs yet, not until I see wigglers. Thanks Michael, I'll be in touch when any of them a...More

    These are the pairs that I have gotten. But I can't call them pairs yet, not until I see wigglers. Thanks Michael, I'll be in touch when any of them are successful.

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