Red Tiger Carnation Turquoise Discus, Yellow Base

Red Tiger Carnation Turquoise Discus, Yellow Base


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The Red Tiger Carnation Turquoise Discus, Yellow Base, is a beauty of a fish. Have you ever seen wildly colored carnation flowers at the flower market or at your local grocer near certain holidays (looking at you, Easter and Mother’s Day)? The Red Tiger Carnation Turquoise Discus, Yellow Base, is just as beautiful and unexpected as a red, yellow, or purple carnation bouquet in a bucket of white flowers. But it’s even more imaginative than those bouquets, because this fish has tiger stripes. Which is a special effect you’d be hard-pressed to achieve in a carnation bouquet, other than by hand-painting. This beautiful fish comes with stripes all of its own, and it was hatched that way.

The pale blue of the fish’s background is a soothing shade, reminiscent of a tranquil sky of the type you might enjoy if you were to lay on a hill and go cloud watching after a leisurely picnic at a park. This pale blue is offset by the vivid reddish brown of the tiger stripes, which are intricate enough to give the illusion that this fish is patterned with a maze. It may not be an actual maze, but you can certainly trace the maze-like patterns with your gaze and enjoy a soothing effect somewhat similar to what you might experience when sitting with a well-raked Zen garden. With the added benefit that you will be sitting with a living being and can enjoy watching its movement through the water. Happy meditating.

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