Wild Yellow-Faced Blue Nhamunda Heckel Discus
$165.00 – $195.00
The Heckel Discus is a strain of discus fish that is native to the Amazon River basin. The Heckel Discus strain is a selectively bred variant of this species that is highly prized by aquarium hobbyists for its striking coloration and distinctive patterns.
The Heckel Discus strain is characterized by its bright, bold colors, which can include shades of red, orange, yellow, blue, and green. The fish typically have a dark base color with contrasting horizontal stripes or bars that extend from the head to the tail. These stripes may be solid or broken, and can range in color from black to white.
In addition to its coloration, the Heckel Discus strain is known for its tall and narrow body shape, which gives it a sleek and graceful appearance. The fish can grow up to 8 inches in length and require a large aquarium with plenty of swimming space.
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4 reviews for Wild Yellow-Faced Blue Nhamunda Heckel Discus
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Hi Michael, I just received your discus fish this morning. All the fish looks healthy but only Albino Pearl Diamond Discus, Dark Base - 4.5 - 5.0" isn't . Can you help me replace him? From Michael: Yes, I'll credit you.
Fish arrived. One had almost no water in the bag. He was alive but barely breathing. He is still not doing well. Pictures attached. 1 week later: I took these for you today. She's there with one of my older discus. The two heckels are separate.
Sorry the glass is dirty. Fish are already begging for food.
Thanks Michael, I received my discus. They look beautiful.